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    Friday, November 14, 2008

    Data Mining in the Cloud

    I recently ran into this online data mining tool on
    (click on Try it out in your browser)

    The SQL Server Data Mining team is working to extend the power and ease of use of SQL Server Data Mining to the Cloud. The goal is to provide services that allow you to build rich, predictive applications without worrying about server infrastructure, and showcase these services with cool applications that give you a glimpse of what’s possible. The guys released a first version, which is available for free online.

    If you wanna get started with data mining without going through the installation hassle, this is a really great online tool. The cool thing is that you can even upload your own set of data in a CSV file.

    Talking about data mining. On December the 4th, Marc and Dennis from IKAN Consulting will give a session on data mining on SQL Server Day. If you haven’t registered for SQL Server Day, make sure to do so on

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