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    Friday, January 11, 2008

    Updated Free online SQL Server 2008 traininng

    Some updated training material on SQL Server 2008 is now available online.

    Collection 6187: What's New in Microsoft SQL Server 2008

    Tuesday, January 01, 2008

    Yoohoo - I am an MVP

    Today I received this e-mail from Microsoft:

    "Congratulations! We are pleased to present you with the 2008 Microsoft® MVP Award! The MVP Award is our way of saying thank you for promoting the spirit of community and enhancing people’s lives and the industry’s success every day. Your extraordinary efforts in Windows Server System - SQL Server technical communities during the past year are greatly appreciated."

    I am really honored and want to thank everyone at Microsoft for their enormous support. I see this award as an extra motivation to continue to work hard for the SQL Server community and in particular SQLUG.BE.

    See you soon!!